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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

CMS wants to replicate 'LIFT Academy' at West Meck

...more you can't make this stuff up....

They want to house it at the CLOSED WIlson Middle School down the street and are requesting $2.5 MILLION to renovate the building. Why not put it IN West Meck and save the money? This is nothing more than an attempt to open a school back up after it's been closed.

Also, they've had 120 "graduate" from the program at West Charlotte. How many per year and how many years has this been at West Charlotte? 4 as part of Project lift? It costs $675,000 PER YEAR. Even if in ONE YEAR 120 graduate from that program, it's an additional $5,625 per pupil expense of tax dollars.

Way to keep wasting money CMS!

CMS wants to replicate 'LIFT Academy' at West Meck


  1. "This is nothing more than an attempt to open a school back up after it's been closed."

    Good point. I wonder if it's also an attempt to pre-empt its use for a charter school.

    I already sprayed my scent on a typical CO editorial talking about all the great "savings" that Charlotte gets by "graduating" one of these kids.


    It's all bogus numbers and bad assumptions. But I guess it works for the "true believers" out there.

    I think that the commenter Lynn Wilson is also hip to their tricks about the bogus savings.

    I don't know why more people can't see through this crap.

    Maybe it's one of the "benefits" of the current state of public education.

    Keep the populace ignorant and it's easier to pull the wool over their eyes.

    It's no wonder that schools are so reluctant to teach things like logic, critical thinking, and math to kids.

    Those things only lead to dangerous independent thoughts.

    It's so much easier to teach them to follow the crowd.

    1. And as usual, the Observer doesn't ask the hard questions - or doesn't report them if they do know - as to how many years has this program been in place to "save" 120 kids and have them "graduate"?

      $675,000 per year? Low income schools already get about $3,000 per pupil more and then throw this on top of that for a select few?

      C'mon Dunn, do some digging and real reporting!

    2. Did you miss the "editorial" with the bogus savings for Charlotte for each of these "graduates".

      It was ridiculous. That's the one I put in my comment.

      But, yeah, as a former "business" reporter, I'd expect Dunn to be able to do a better job of evaluating the true "benefits" vs. costs.

      But, when you consider what a bunch of doofi (is that the plural of doofus?) the CO editors are, he's probably more interested in keeping the day job than being TOO "investigative".

  2. I wonder if the folks at UNCC Ed department have heard about this. Kind of hard to reconcile creating this expensive special programs at schools in high risk neighborhoods with the concept of redistricting to create more "diversity". I don't think you can have it both ways--but what do I know--I am a mere former teacher, not a tenured prof with a PhD in education.

    1. What irritates the hell out of me is that this is supposed to be for West Meck, but not HOUSED IN West Meck. Instead, they have to renovate a closed school down the road.

      I'm sure they can find space at West Meck to save taxpayers $2.5 Million.

    2. We can only hope that when this project fails and the money is pulled that someone can use it as a charter school.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "I don't think you can have it both ways--but what do I know..."

      Oh, don't you know, they're going to be pulling more white kids into these programs.

      And letting short, clumsy kids on the basketball teams, too.

      As well as slow, fat kids in track.

      After all, who NEEDS exercise more than THOSE kids?

      From what I hear, white parents are just clamoring for opportunities to put their children in schools next to low-performing minorities.

      It's known as "taking a hit for the team" and it's a proven formula for success in all human endeavor.

      It's also why we have scapegoats.

      Remember, y'all, it's ALL for the children. So keep writing those checks.

      Oh, wait, not really...

      Why IS that?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Here's the real conundrum when you try to reconcile "diversity" with "equity".

      Under "equity" you try to give some kids more things than other kids because they are "disadvantaged".

      Under "diversity" you try to bring more "advantaged" kids into the schools with the "disadvantaged".

      So, what happens to funding when your school officially passes the threshold of no longer being "disadvantaged" because you are "diverse"?

      Do they take the money away?

      Or just see to it that the "disadvantaged" kids in the school somehow manage to get more than their share as originally designed?

      Yes, I want to see that happen.

      I think the real trick under our current system is to keep the school "disadvantaged" enough to keep the money flowing in while just barely meeting the "diversity" target that might push those non-FRL folks into a dominant position and losing the extra funding that goes with being OFFICIALLY "disadvantaged".

      That means a lot MORE wiggling and jiggling with attendance boundaries if things start looking "too good" for some schools.

      Either that, or an "exemption", like my suggestion of having
      Historically Underprivileged Schools for those schools which started out "underprivileged", but "diversified" into "privileged" status due to special programs or gerrymandered attendance zones.

      Either way, I think I know what the final result will be.

      Just spend more money.

      Maybe on consultants or security.

    7. Of course, not too many schools are going to make it into the "privileged" category, since the "underprivileged" and "diverse" population of CMS far outnumbers those of "privileged" status (i.e. "white"). As Wiley has often said, what happens when you run out of white kids?

    8. In Colorado today, a restaurant - owned by a Mexican - is having White appreciation day where Whites get a discount on their lunch.

      Of course, liberal heads are exploding all over this this.

      I'm just waiting for 2035 to get here, then I will be considered a minority and flip the tables.

    9. Just read this article about that restaurant and why more than liberal heads just might be exploding:


      Bomb threats. Jeez. Just like the people who live in that McKinney neighborhood.

      Again, this is why I remain anonymous. I've been on the "wrong end" of public opinion before from writing letters to the editor in the Houston Chronicle and signing my real name. And I got death threats, too.

      Never again.

      That's the way these people roll if you don't comply with their opinions.

  3. Wiley, it's a good thing that Mexican owns the restaurant, otherwise the libtards in our society would probably get him fired.

    Just as they did that principal in Miami...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just saw where a teacher in Texas was fired for her comments on the McKinney pool party...

