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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

CMS taps principals to turn around Garinger, Vance high schools

It's SHARK WEEK on TV!.... which coincides with the annual chumming of the waters at CMS....

(Play theme from JAWS!)

CMS taps principals to turn around Garinger, Vance high schools


  1. Well, this isn't exactly on topic, but it is about principals (and principles)...


    Well, I think we officially have PC run amok in this country.

    Even Hispanics can't say good things about white people anymore without fear of losing their jobs.

    It's one reason I try to stay anonymous. I don't want a lynch mob to try to ruin my life.

    This is just so sad. And he didn't really say anything offensive, just against the liberal commentary of the day.

    I can remember my old elementary school principal used to have letters to the editor printed nearly every week or so. He wasn't afraid to express his opinions in public back in the 1960's.

    Things sure have deteriorated in our society since that time.

  2. Gee, and now even more people are losing their jobs over this pool party...

    Seems that the "white woman" videoed fighting the black woman who created this whole mess (KC, the free twitter party organizer) is going to get fired from her job.

    Now, who is going to go after the real instigator of all this mess, namely KC the gatecrash party organizer?

    No one. Because she's an "entrepreneur", according to her friends.

    In fact, I suspect that all this publicity will make her "parties" even more desirable for a certain low class of attendees.

    She has "street cred" now...

    So, what's that now, three fairly decent people have lost jobs over this?

    And so we continue the downhill slide.

  3. And now this teacher has apparently lost her job for commenting on the McKinney pool party as well...


    I wonder how many more?

    1. 16 words by a principal in Miami about McKinney caused him to be removed as principal.

      North Miami Senior High School Principal Alberto Iber Loses Job Over Post on Police Incident in McKinney, Texas

      "He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life," "I commend him for his actions."


      It has been revealed that this cop had just come from one attempted suicide where he talked her down from doing it and then withnessing a black man shooting himself in the face. This cop consoled the family.

      Try coming off witnessing those incidents and get called to a pool disturbance. He wasn't even supposed to go but went to help with the call anyway.

      I hope this principal sues the school district and gets a large compensation package...

  4. Did you see the story about a local NAACP president who claims she's African-American but according to her parents is actually Scandinavian? Between this and Caitlyn you'd think the whole world is having an identity crisis.

    As of today, school's out for summer! This morning's awards ceremony included bright green hair, multiple piercings (tongues, bellies, ears, etc.), full body tattoos, and some interesting attire - donned by parents. The kids were all wearing their school uniforms. And I was perplexed why my school didn't drug test me when I was hired? Well, we are close to Asheville. Dang I'm old.

    1. Seriously?

      It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world.


    2. Did you also see where the local and national NAACP is SUPPORTING HER???????

      Like I said in an earlier post, I have proclaimed to be of royal blood. KNEEL or off with your head!!

    3. I just saw this myself and was going to post a comment, but FAKEBOOK has decided to question my legitimate "tribal" name, so I can't for the moment...


      I need to create a fake id showing my name as Caonimada Baiseda. Oh well, I have a whole lot of other tribal names I can use...

      But, maybe I can give myself an African tribal name and see how long I can fly under the radar using that.

      It's sure to add some cognitive dissonance to my usual "public" remarks...

      Or maybe FOX News will contact me and ask to "interview" me as a conservative "black" spokesperson.

      Ha, wouldn't THAT be a riot. Fame and fortune are only a few keyclicks away...

      However, what I was going to say about this was that I think she's just a smart girl who realizes what it takes to get ahead in society today.

      Being black has its advantages. Especially if you are educated and literate (or can fake it well).

      Who knows, if she had done this early enough in life, she might be the proud owner of a Harvard degree or something equally desirable...

    4. She could be in trouble for lying on federal documents and getting benefits under false pretenses.

      Oh, wait. Nah, people do it every day to get food stamps, disability and school lunches, just to name a few.

  5. Who's your baby daddy!

    In one of my better foot-in-mouth moments, I once referred to a black German woman as African-American. Wondering if I could pass as a person of Hmong decent? My Mennonite gig don't get me no benefits. Or, maybe it's just my shade of "natural" hair color? Blonde, Champagne Blonde.


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