
Welcome to Wiley Coyote's Education Discussion Blog.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

School kitchen manager fired for giving lunches to hungry students

Well, another sob story about my favorite subject....

School kitchen manager fired for giving lunches to hungry students
CBS NewsJune 2, 2015, 5:12 PM

AURORA, Colo. -- Della Curry is out of work -- and unashamed -- after being fired by a school district in a Denver suburb.
Della Curry says she was fired from her job as kitchen manager at Dakota Valley Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado, after giving school lunches to students who couldn't afford them.

A married mother of two, Curry is the former kitchen manager at Dakota Valley Elementary School in Aurora. She lost her job on Friday after giving school lunches to students who didn't have any money.
"I had a first grader in front of me, crying, because she doesn't have enough money for lunch. Yes, I gave her lunch," Curry told CBS Denver station KCNC-TV. ... MORE



  1. EOG's are over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm going kayaking with a cocktail :)

  2. And with that, Common Core state testing (with young children falling asleep, crying, anxious and hungry after sitting in a room for over 4.5 hours) is over...

    "Thousands of Students Opting Out of State Tests in Protest": http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/thousands-students-opt-common-core-tests-protest/

    "When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educated their hearts".

    1. It doesn't have to be this difficult.

      Over 40. 50 years, what have all those better mousetrap programs done to help Little Johnny read?

      Not one damn thing. This is like the entitlement/victim/discrimination industry where those who stand to make money and push an agenda are the ones laughing all the way to the bank.

    2. It's the myth of equality that makes so many things in our society so perverse.

      Once you accept that premise, then you will never be satisfied that anyone has "done enough" to help those at the bottom.

      While some may claim that the only true equality occurs in jail or prison, even in chains people establish hierarchies and some are better off than others.

      Unfortunately, words to that effect are enshrined in our founding documents, but people are taking the revolutionary rhetoric way too seriously.

      Until people actually accept that people are different and that people who are born into stable families with resources will have advantages over those who have neither, then we will still have this problem.

      The only way to level the playing field is downward.

      Unfortunately, after centuries of not achieving true "equality" through other means, that is only the direction left to go.

    3. All you have do do is watch the lame stream media ans listen to "progressives".

      It's all out war against anyone who makes money, even though they like to throw out the 1% number.

      When momentum is now gaining strength to pay people $15.00 per hour ro say "may I take your order?" and give these same people everything else they want; housing food, etc., the United States of America is headed right straight into the toilet.

      Why not just come out and say you want everyone to have a house, everyone to be given $75,000 per year in salary and enough tax credits to buy a new car and food stamps tyo buy groceries?

      The give to people without working for it makles me sick to my stomach.

  3. Well, the thing that makes me sick is having to pay for it all, even though we are working and living in Hong Kong and derive little to no benefit from it all (and do not expect to for several years if things go as we plan).

    In fact, if we decide to spend TOO MUCH time in the US (over 35 days a year), we get PENALIZED because they start pro-rating the various tax credits and exemptions we get which bring our taxes down to a less unreasonable level.

    The US is one of the few countries in the world which tax its citizens and permanent residents on their income no matter where in the world it originates.

    That means that we have to pay BOTH our US taxes and HK taxes. Of course, the US is "generous" and gives us some credits for taxes we pay and some income deductions for housing and living away from the US, but, still, if you're making a decent income (and WHY ELSE would you move?) then you often have to pay thousands in taxes.

    It's something which really makes US workers less desirable because they must pay them MORE to make it worth the tax hit they get from working and living overseas in many markets.

    And it's not like all US expats are rich or anything, either. Sure, they get good pay, but costs are pretty high here. Rents are about triple and most people have to send their native English-speaking kids to private school, unlike in the US where they bend over backwards to accomodate those who do not speak the common language, Hong Kong just has a few schools which cater to native English speakers and most of those are overbooked for years.

    I'd say that we spend close to $70,000/yr just on school and additional rent for a family of four with two school age children. And that's not living in luxury, either.

    It's for essentially a 1200 sq/ft apartment, which while large by HK standards isn't anywhere near the 3500 sq/ft home we left behind.

    Also, even though people throw around that 1% number, most people do not realize how much money it takes to get to that level.

    Last time I checked it was around $750,000/yr for a married couple.

    We've typically been in the top 20% during reasonably good times, but nowhere NEAR the top 1%.

    We might get lucky in the near future and break into the top 10% if things go well here, though.

    But I suspect that many of those looking for handouts probably think we are "the rich".

    But the folks in the top 10% or so pay the greatest bulk of taxes, usually around 2/3 of what's collected, so they aren't the slackers.

    (I don't particularly envy the rich, except for the lawyers they can hire to reduce their taxes...)

  4. Here's a source for the income taxes paid at different income levels...


    A few years old (2011), but still...

    The top half of income earners pay almost all the taxes.

    The top 10% pay over 2/3 of taxes (68.3%) with an AGI cutoff point of around $120K.

    The top 1% AGI is around $390K.

    But that's ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. Actual income is usually higher and one online calculator I saw put the top 1% total income around $750K.

    Either way, when you look at who pays the income taxes, it is definitely the top 50% of income earners.

  5. My father came from nothing. He worked hard for everything he got so he could give to us later in life what he didn't have growing up.

    Don't get me wrong, we were NOT handed anything. We also had to work for it, but my parents made sure Christmas came every year and there was food on the table.

    My father was in WWII and Korea while my mother was at home raising my sister before I was born, doing without herself to pay bills and buy meds if my sister needed them. I think she got $56.00 a week at that time.

    I have no problem paying taxes and helping anyone truly in need, but this bullshit of damning one group of people because they have means and get berated and shamed because they should be giving X Dollars to those who don't have has got to stop.

    My father has never hated the rich nor have I.

  6. Wiley, It sounds like we might have had some similar experiences.

    My parents divorced when I was young, though, and my mother had to work as well. She held at least two jobs at a time that I can remember, one was working as a waitress at a catfish restaurant in Birmingham, AL and the other was as a cashier at the automotive department of a local discount department store (think Walmart).

    We were living in a very small, 3BR home my grandfather (who was a brickmason) had built, but it was a wooden house because he could not afford a brick home (like the cobbler's children who don't have shoes!).

    My grandmother ran a beauty salon which was slowly going bankrupt at the same time, so, whoopee, we were rolling in the dough (not).

    But we did manage to get by. While my mother was working, though, we kids needed a baby sitter, so she hired a black woman (actually two, because one was pretty worthless) to baby sit us.

    She paid the sitters HALF what she made just to watch us kids if she could get her for the whole week. And back then, that wasn't much, but still she had to do it.

    Later, she re-married and it was to a guy who had a steady job at the L&N railroad as a switchman, not even an "engineer". Shortly after that we moved from the big city to the country where he had a small 3 br wooden house he had bought for his parents.

    My mother STILL lives in that house, but they have added a few rooms onto it since we were there.

    The whole time I was growing up, I never had a bedroom to myself. At one time we had 5 kids living in that 3BR house, with the addition of my youngest sister to the family.

    So, yeah, I know what you mean.

    Right now, though, I'm still working on my TAX BS (actually something called the FBAR).

    The FBAR is some new-fangled BS the IRS is using to help them track financial "crimes" by requiring every US citizen and resident to disclose EVERY FRICKING bank or financial account they have an "interest" in across the entire planet.


    And, to top it off, the fools give you a downloadable PDF form which you supposedly "sign" electronically WHICH DOES NOT WORK.

    So I had to do the whole damned thing AGAIN online and do the online submission. Deadline is June 30 for that baby. The people in HK STILL aren't sure whether they need to report on the government mandated retirement fund (called the MPF), so they tell us to report it anyway just to be "safe".

    Fortunately, cut and paste helped me get THAT done.

    Just more BS that drives people to renounce their US citizenship.

    I've had people ask me why we don't do that.

    My wife (who went to all the trouble to get naturalized), doesn't want to, though.

    1. It's called FUBAR, not FBAR.

      I'm sure you know what FUBAR is....

  7. As if the IRS isn't bad enough, dealing with the INS was a nightmare as well.

    It seems that our government just delights in making things more difficult for those who try to abide by the law.

    Meanwhile, they bend over backwards for certain types of criminals and lawbreakers, as long as they think they can get a vote out of them.

    But that's another story...

    At least Hong Kong doesn't take crap from illegal immigrants.

    There has been one story in the news lately about ONE KID they shipped back to China because he was here illegally, hidden away by his parents.

    In Hong Kong, the illegal kids CANNOT go to school.

    And everyone blames the parents for being so stupid as to violate the laws.

    I have not seen a single person blame Hong Kongers for not giving the kid a free education (much less a free meal or a "path" to citizenship).


    Because everyone knows that if they didn't, this place would be swamped from people from all over the place, from Mainland China, the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, etc., etc.

    There is a lot more sanity here than in the US in so many ways.
