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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Good News... Ann Doss Helms Coming To An Observer Education Beat Near You...

Word has it Ann is coming back on the Ed beat in late July.....


  1. Must have been the story about the man in SC with no insurance who needed an operation to save his sight. It got liberals fired up to help him with donations to have the operation and gave Ann a viral story.

    Maybe CMS wanted Ann back to raise funds for them?

    Welcome back Kotter!

  2. Hmm, I think I know another organization that could use the fund-raising even more. But I'm looking forward to jumping back in. So many changes have happened in just one year that it feels almost like starting fresh!

    1. It's been a very quick year.

      Besides, local politics is much more fun than Obamacare, especially where CMS is involved.

      Great to have you back, but it remains to be seen whether any of us here will be able to comment on the Observer. That's why I made this blog.

    2. I hope she doesn't mean Hillary's campaign.

    3. Of course, having said that, I just might have to vote for Hillary depending on which of the doofi the Repugs put up against her.

      Man, I REALLY hate voting for the lesser of the two weevils in our elections.

      Not that Obama wouldn't have won without my vote anyway...

      Fortunately, I voted for him in South Carolina where it didn't really count.

      (Thank Gawd for the electoral college which keeps us unintelligent voters from getting our wishes. When it works, that is...)

    4. If I don't like either candidate, I don't vote for that particular office.

      My vote is too valuable to give to charity.

    5. I'm only charitable when it doesn't count.

  3. Ann is returning?

    Does that mean the Titanic ISN'T sinking?

    Wait, I'm all confused now.

    But "education" is still a more target rich environment than "health care", so I can see the appeal.

    So I'll just change my hair color and dive right back into that water as well.

    Have y'all noticed that I'm no longer "white", but "black" on Fakebook?

    Of course, it's in Chinese (pinyin), so most people probably won't notice.

    My whole "tribe" is out there on Fakebook waiting for their chance to join the fracas as well.

    Life can get lonely out here on the Mongolian prairies.

    1. It appears today you can be anything you want and expect to get away with it.

      When a CNN anchor calls what the guy in Texas did the other night as "brave & courageous" (no his name isn't Caitlyn), it means the Earth is now spinning in the opposite direction.

      I thought you might go Italian.

    2. I've considered African, but never Italian, even though my real name has been mistaken for that of a fictional Italian gangster.

      I REALLY don't want to tick those guys off, though, because most of them have connections to the Vatican or The Illuminati and probably control the Internet.

      Sorry, I missed the CNN commentary. Must have been one of those dumb American talking heads that we don't get over here.

      Over here, most of the CNN folks speak with British accents (it's "international", you know), so they just sound so much more intelligent.

      Even if they aren't.

      Of course, I get my propaganda in many different flavors here, from CCTV (China), RT (Russia), and AlJazeera (dirty, stinkin', ragheads stuck out in the desert somewhere, wishing they had the credibility of Christiane Amanpour).

      All of which were "endorsed" by none other than Hillary Clinton as "real news" and sources that are beating US "private" news sources in the global "information war"...


      "I remember having an Afghan general tell me that the only thing he thought about Americans is that all the men wrestled and the women walked around in bikinis because the only TV he ever saw was Baywatch and World Wide Wrestling."

      (Of course, the general was telling her this as they were both under sniper fire, so she might have misquoted him.)

      I just feel so fortunate to get all three sources on my basic cable here in HK...

      And whenever Hillary gets HER disinformation channel, I hope to get that as well.

      Actually, RT is pretty funny. They let all kinds of people (even total right-wing US nutcases) on their channel.

      Anything to make the US look "bad" in an international light, I guess...

  4. Yeah, except my school blocks FAKEBOOK so I can't read any comments or post anything between 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Kind of bites. I also don't want to post through my FB account.

    Welcome back anyway Ann!


    1. Alicia, the way things are today, I don't post using my real name and probably never will.

      The last thing I want to do is stand before some "tribunal" having to explain to the PC police every word (or thought) I've ever had.

      I was never too good at being my own "Brain Police".

      My brain is more like a free-range chicken, running around all over the place eating bugs and worms and whatever.

  5. I'd like to know what Leonard Pitts thinks about the white NAACP leader who managed to successfully pass herself off as a black woman. The ramifications related to CMS student assignment could get really funky in places like Ballantyne especially when you consider that the NAACP is standing behind this woman. Well, it's this kind of out-of-the-box thinking that has the potential of closing the achievement gap ONCE AND FOR ALL!

    Think about it.

    1. Where student assignment is going to "get funky" is by Obama being the director of where public housing will go through grants...

      Obama Moving to Force ‘Diversity’ on ‘Rich’ Neighborhoods with Increased ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan


    2. You know, I really don't know why the NAACP should care what color their leaders are. It's not like Julian Bond could grow an Afro if he tried. Many black leaders have been mixed.

      And if you just looked at photos of that famous black artist, Romare Bearden, I'd swear he was Jewish.

      I think a lot of these people are what were once referred to as Octoroons and would often "pass" for white in society.

      Technically, I'm an octoroon myself, being 1/8 American Indian, from a half-breed grandfather on my mother's side.

      Of course, my redhead Scottish/Irish grandma pretty much trumped those genes, so I don't look the least bit "native".

      And while I was living in Houston, I knew quite a few local "leaders" of the left-leaning liberal crowd and several MEN were leaders in NOW (which is FOR women, not OF women).

      So, NAACP is FOR the advancement of colored people not OF colored people, so it seems the same to me.

      But I have to admit I AM reminded of the Chappell show parody of the blind black white supremacist, Clayton Bigsby...


    3. Well, I stand corrected. Julian Bond could grow an Afro...

    4. "Obama Moving to Force ‘Diversity’ on ‘Rich’ Neighborhoods with Increased ‘Affordable Housing’ Plan"

      You'd think Taylor Batten would be screaming to have Section 8 built near where he lives, along with all the other top newspaper folks in the country, both past and present (who are apparently ALL FOR these kinds of things in print if not in THEIR reality)...

      Yeah, like THAT will ever happen.

      Ha, the neighborhood that old Birmingham News Klan fighter editor, Clarke Stallworth, lived in and raised his family is still wealthy and just barely 1% black.

      And this is in BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA (well, just it's richest suburb, "over the mountain", called Mountain Brook, where his wife still lives).


      " The racial makeup of the city was 97.2% White and 1.03% African-American. 0.97% of the population was Hispanic or Latino of any race. "

      " 0% of the population is below the poverty line."

      Yes, true "country-club" liberals.

      Who somehow managed to make their "fortunes" off the stories of the "oppressed" and "downtrodden" they have so skillfully avoided in their real lives.

      So white folks have ALWAYS taken leadership roles in the "advancement" of "colored" people.

      From a discreet distance, of course...

      I wonder how Taylor Batten's neighborhood compares. I think I may have spotted a trend.


      Speaking of which, the wife of great Clarke, Anne Nall Stallworth (a Southern "Gothic" writer) wrote a book called Go, Go, Said The Bird.

      Here is the review in Amazon:


      "Go, Go, Said the Bird adds new insight to a much-fabled locale--the Deep South during the sixties. Amid a cast of characters whose actions and ideas pound through the novel's pages, it is essentially the story of a young man, Bird Lassiter--a black boy with white skin. Trying to accept himself for what he cruelly learns he really is from his white "betters"--the Coy Watsons, the Klan--he suffers the derision not only of whites, but of his own race as well. In his own attempts to "pass," he is unable to come to terms with himself, his race, or those who would protect or destroy him. In the savage climax, Bird must at last make his dire choice."

      Which, oddly enough, neatly ties in with our little "theme"...

    5. Ah, the irony of the country club liberal mindset...

      "Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
      Cannot bear very much reality..."

      -T.S. Eliot.

      As they call for more "integration" from their gilded white enclaves...

    6. As for Leonard Pitts, I'm sure he has a "white privilege" angle on that NAACP leadership thing.

    7. Shamash,

      Funny you should mention Romare Bearden. I did a literacy unit on Bearden during my 4th grade student teaching stint (at what I affectionately refer to as a "Military Catholic" school). I thought the same thing you did - that Bearden looked more Jewish than African American. Fiddler on the Roof kind of thing. We did a collage project at the end of the unit. Metaphorically speaking, If CMS messes with student assignment any further, the system won't have to concern itself with matters and mediums related to "collage".

      "Collage". I like this word better than "Diversity".

      "If I were a rich man….."


    8. Mr. Batten and, I believe, Mr. St. Onge both live in southeast Charlotte near the Arboretum, in the same neighborhood, although the Batten household lives in the gated portion of that neighborhood. I have been watching for some nearby land to go up for sale that I'm certain these two would be happy to suggest as a great location for subsidized housing. But if that doesn't happen soon, perhaps the apartments across 51 from their subdivision could be converted to all Section 8. After all, the editorial board was absolutely convinced that Ballantyne needed a project and that the Matthews Weddington Road project was a must. Why not near their neighborhood too! (Of course Taylor doesn't need to worry about what this might do to the local schools, as his kids are safely ensconced in CDS.

    9. ...they belong to the NIMBY Club.

    10. I think Batten and Stonge should have to host weekly McKinney, TX style "pool" parties hosted by Tatiana, Tatyana, KeefCakez, KC or whatever her name is...

      I think a summer's full of "nigga, nigga, nigga" and "phuque" blaring out poolside just might enable them to buy a clue in life.

      And, if they're lucky, maybe they can host "Make It Clap, Pt. 3" in their clubhouse.

      (For those not in the know, "make it clap" is a reference to buttcheeks clapping when you twerk. Keef cake, of course, is a reference to finely ground marijuana. Just EXACTLY the kind of "entrepreneurial" crowd I'm sure Batten and Stonge would love in their 'hood).

      But, if those folks are too old and crusty to have young children of their own who might want to go to the pool, I suggest they have similar parties wherever their grandchildren or other young family members might be "hanging out" for the summer.

      Again, these clowns NEVER have to live with the consequences of what they wish to impose on others.

      They are the elite. And they are only here to help.

      If nothing else, I'm sure their neighbors would find it offensive.

    11. Actually, I think Stonge would prefer to have more clubbing next to his subdivision, given his editorial twist. He seems just a bit too pasty and "intellectual" to be hanging at the pool.

      Maybe they should move some "uptown" dance clubs nearby.

      What's funny to me is that there is also a Peter St. Onge who writes for the Mises Institute who seems to be a bizarro-world, broken mirror image of CO's Peter St. Onge...


      He writes grand missives deriding "liberals" and is some kind of business school professor.

      The Anti-Stonge if there ever was one.

      If the two ever meet someday, I think the universe might implode.



    12. " 'Collage' . I like this word better than 'Diversity' ".

      Yeah, it's a nice word. CMS should use it more often.

      I also like the word "Menagerie".

      They both sound so French.

      And fairly descriptive of CMS.

    13. Speaking of "words", I had to check my definition of "make it clap" against the Urban Dictionary.

      And my definition was probably the cleanest and least vulgar in use.

      So, let's have "Make It Clap Pt. 3" out in suburbia.

      Coming soon to a 'hood near Stonge and Batten...

    14. When we lived in Overland Park, Kansas (suburb of KC), there was another nice little suburban town nearby which had its own nice little town park. The town made no restrictions on who could use it and all went along fine for years. But then the park was discovered by some big city KC boys who began arriving with their coolers and boomboxes (back in the 90's). They came to use the basketball courts but apparently could not play basketball without cranking the music up really loud (and it wasn't the pleasantest of music) and without yelling and screaming curse words at each other. The town tried to restrict the use of the park to town residents (who after all had paid for it) but of course the dreaded accusation of racism was soon leveled by local media and activists. So what did the town do? They closed down the park to everyone. Not sure what the status is today--or if that park exists at all. But if it is still there, perhaps Obama can suggest it be used for affordable housing.

    15. I used to live in Birmingham, AL and they actually got sued by the Feds in the 50's and 60's for closing down parks whenever violence or other problems erupted. Again, for discrimination.

      The pool near my old neighborhood was closed when a black man killed a cop, but it was forced to re-open under threat of federal intervention.

      Because even if they kill someone, and the place becomes an obvious public nuisance, you cannot keep people out of a public pool.

      Even if you are "fair" and close it for everyone.

      I really think all this crap is an attempt to "de-sensitize" decent people towards extremely bad behavior.

      For what purpose, I am not sure, but it sure seems that our society favors thugs and the ill-behaved over decent, law-abiding people.

      I really HAVE NOT found another developed, civilized place where that is the case.

      It certainly isn't true of Hong Kong.

      But I can already tell this summer is going to be the summer of people acting badly at pools.

      The most recent case I saw was in Fairfield Ohio. We actually lived there in the early 2000's, before moving to nearby West Chester and then to Cincinnati (Price Hill, that was a treat!).

      Fairfield used to be a fairly nice, working class, middle-of-the road place with very few problems. I'm not sure how it's holding up some fifteen years later.

      But they have a really cool food market called Jungle Jim's which is more like a food amusement park than a supermarket.

    16. Oh, and I also think shopping malls will be the next target.

      There has always been a bit of a problem with people misbehaving in malls.

      I think there is a well-known example in Charlotte.

      I expect that to be the next "battleground" between the blacks and the po-po.

      Many of them hate the way they get "treated" at malls and are bound to feel a little bit bolder now with all the media attention and folks "rallying" for their antics.

      So, be sure to have your cameras ready when you shop.

      You may be an eye-witness to a national scandal.

    17. Also, since Ballantyne is a prime target, there is a fairly nice boutique shopping area called Blakeney which has a small park and often has live entertainment, usually popular or jazz musicians on weekend evenings.

      It's a very civilized, popular place for local people and draws a very nice family crowd many weekends.

      Except you hardly ever see any blacks. Just the few who happen to live nearby, mostly. But not the loud, obnoxious crowds of attention-seekers you see at many other places.

      I'm just waiting for them to target that jewel.

      Because it REALLY is like a flashback to an earlier time when you go there and see people just generally behaving and having a good time without being obnoxious, violent, or threatening.

      Lots of people hate that such places even exist in today's society.

      Especially places which are accessible to the general public.

      It is ripe for an invasion.

    18. Just for grins, I decided to check the Fairfield, OH Census changes from 2000 (when I lived there) to 2010 (latest census).



      Definitely less white and more black and Hispanic.

      Whites were around 90% in 2000 when I lived there, and then 80% by 2010.

      At that rate (and NOT assuming any acceleration in the trend), then Fairfield is probably somewhere around 75% white by now.

      Being the old racist that I am (with decades of experience in these sorts of things) that's when I usually decide to pack the family and head out of Dodge, if not before...

      Because anything much above 15% means you will be having visible "assimilation" problems.

      Just my rule of thumb.

      The other neighborhood we lived in, West Chester, is still apparently holding it's own. Maybe it's the influence of the only IKEA in Ohio which was just down the road.

      Probably just the aroma of Swedish Meatballs keeps the place nicer.

      Price Hill, OTOH, was a cesspool when we moved there and is even worse.

      We moved there during our urban "slumming" phase when we somewhat thought of ourselves as "gentrifying" an old Victorian neighborhood, before the kids arrived...

      But we left soon after the same group of black kids who hung out at the street corner and (who once threw rocks at my then-pregnant wife as she got off the bus from work) finally killed a kid coming home from a nearby Catholic school.

      That was our wake-up and "get out of Dodge" call...

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Just out of curiosity I decided to see if anyone had written much about the "white T-shirt" gangs that threw rocks at my wife in Price Hill.

      Seems that they were part of a "trend" among budding thuglets at that time...


      This is the kind of crap you have to be on the lookout for.

      These people are not as stupid as some may think. They know how to commit crimes and get away.

      Imagine a white T-shirt as camouflage....

      And I just love all the comments in the article about how there is nothing to be concerned about with the kids all dressed like this hanging out at the street corners.

      Yeah, sure...

      Again, who's trying to excuse and desensitize us to all this bad behavior and acting like nothing is really happening?

      The crap you read in this article is just like the liberal feel-good crap you read about every gang and thug in every city.

      Cops say one thing and the thug-loving "media" explains it all away with a few anecdotes.


    21. Don't know if you've seen this, but another "pool incident", this time in Ohio.

      I still do not understand why people will not obey the commands of a police officer.

      People seem to feel emboldened to do so, film it and call Al Sharpton.


    22. OMG. Too funny…

      " 'Collage' . I like this word better than 'Diversity' ".

      Yeah, it's a nice word. CMS should use it more often.

      I also like the word "Menagerie".

      They both sound so French.

      And fairly descriptive of CMS.

  6. Wiley and Shamash,

    As far as our "Mod Squad", I guess I'll assume the Afro!

  7. Really? Somehow I picture you as a "Julie"...


  8. Man, I'm just so glad we live in a civilized place now.

    I guess America will finally fulfill Charlie Manson's "dream" of all-out race wars pretty soon.

    Maybe this is what it's all leading up to?

    So are we all ready to bring back the death penalty?

    I can't think of a better time or reason.

    Why let this Dylann Roof guy continue to live and be a "hero" to some on the inside (and outside) for the rest of his life.

    Who cares how "young" he is. Just execute him and be done with it, the sooner the better.

    Set an example for moving forward against ALL violent criminals.

    Remember, Charles Manson is still alive and well at 80, planning his wedding, after murdering 8 people decades ago.

    Only WE can prevent headlines like these in the future:

    "Charles Manson's fiancé Star Burton spotted getting close with one of serial killer's best friends "


    Why SHOULD a serial killer from nearly 50 years ago even have a "best friend" or a "fiancée" today?

    And to think I live in a place where you can put 100 people in a subway car on a typical weekday morning and barely hear a peep because people are just so civil.

    I tell you, civilization in the US is being undermined every day and I
    do not see it getting better anytime soon.

  9. Pamela Grundy:

    One of the reasons we all miss Ann Doss Helm's blog in the spirit of productive public discussion and discourse related to education and race. Pamela's words spoke to me today as I know they will you. Assuming Pamela won't mind me sharing her thoughts, here that are....

    "Here is what I think. I do think that Dylann Roof is mentally ill to some degree, as I do not think that most human beings are wired to massacre their fellow human beings face-to-face (even though of course it has happened in a wide variety of circumstances all through history and around the world). However, as was stated at Little Rock A.M.E. Zion last night, his mind was also "made in America." He grew up in an American culture that widely celebrates guns, that tells men, especially white men, that they are under siege from minorities, women, immigrants, LGBTQ people, etc., and that harbors a especially deep-running and virulent current of fear and anger towards African Americans that flows out of justifications for slavery and has been regularly replenished by subsequent efforts to defend the white supremacy that is its counterpart. His heinous actions reveal that current in its full horror, but it flows beneath all our lives, every day".

    - Pamela Grundy


    1. Re: Pamela Grundy

      My contemplative thoughts on her contemplative statement:

      Poor white students now perform as poorly in school as poor black students without the benefit of endless "special" services and multi-million dollar philanthropic hand-outs. America has finally reached "equity" on the poor urban black and poor rural white front.

      When I was 26-years-old (I'm now 52), I'll never forget a group of white high school boys coming into my room at a Prince George's County MD public H.S. to proclaim, "You know, we have problems too". This is exactly what they said. The white boys at my school were very angry at what they perceived as unfair special treatment of young black boys at the expense of personal struggles and difficulties they were going through. They felt like their lives didn't matter in that particular school system. And you know what? In that particular environment at that particular time, I felt their feelings were justified. Those boys - who are now 42-years-old and have children of their own - had a valid point.

      And here we are today....

    2. Here's where liberals like Grundy in my opinion lose credibility:

      --->>>...He grew up in an American culture that widely celebrates guns, that tells men, especially white men, that they are under siege from minorities, women, immigrants, LGBTQ people, etc., and that harbors a especially deep-running and virulent current of fear and anger towards African Americans that flows out of justifications for slavery and has been regularly replenished by subsequent efforts to defend the white supremacy that is its counterpart.<<<---

      Liberals love putting all White men into the same mold and suggesting a "gun culture" is rampant among White men because of some made up fear of Blacks. Talk about labeling and denegrating a group of people. It's absurd.

      Every race has its share of lowlifes and idiots and Whites certainly are no exception, but White supremacy? If she really believes a majority of Whites in America have some sort of movement going on to racially reign supreme, she is living in la la land.

      I'd love to hear what her facts are regarding what White families do each week to celebrate their guns.

      My father was a part time gunsmith for many years for a law enforcement equipment sales company. He was also a non-paid constable for the State of SC appointed by the governor. At the time, that was pretty much the only way you could get permission to carry a conceled weapon. You had to undergo strict background checks with the state and federal government.

      His father was Sheriff of Lexington County back in the early 1900's, my mother's father was a SC Highway investigator and later, my brother was a military police investigator in the Army. Today, my son manages $10 million dollars in ordinance in the military.

      My point is, there were always guns in our house, but we knew how to handle them, respect them and never used them unless we went hunting or for self defense.

      When my son was born, all of my guns were put away and all ammunition eliminated. I did not want any loaded weapons in the house or where there was access to them while growing up. It has only been within the past two years that my son has even handled them because of his extensive training in the military.

      I was brought up not to hate anyone and so was our son. He has so many friends across all ethnic groups I can't even begin to count them.

      So here's my opinion. I'm White, will NEVER apologize to anyone about being White, love guns and support the 2nd Amendment 100%, so if that offends anyone, get over it.

    3. Alicia,

      "They felt like their lives didn't matter in that particular school system."

      Well, as I've always said there are TWO ways to close that "gap".

      And one is the way you suggested, make the white kids perform worse.

      But, that's really NOT the case on a national level. At least not based on the last NAEP testing. I've posted this stuff before.

      They do not like to point it out, but the poor white kids STILL perform better than the black kids who are NOT poor, as measured by the FRL program.

      In fact, the "free" lunch white kids (the "poorest") score about equal with the black kids who make too much money to qualify for EITHER the "free" or "reduced" lunch, easily beating out all the other FRL black kids.

      So "poverty" is not an equal opportunity disabler.

      It would be interesting to see some controlled experiments on how funding affects the different groups at the bottom, though, but I'm sure no one wants to do that out of fear of the results they might get.

      So, those in "power" still have a way to go before they get the "equality" they think we all should have.

      But, yeah, I do think the trend is towards putting more effort in the folks who are doing the worst in our society.

      I know where that idea comes from, but I think when you have limited resources it cheats the people who are either more talented or are trying harder.

      I'd really like to see money reward EFFORT, not just NEED.

      But that's in some weird utopian society.

      Maybe one more similar to the one they have here in Hong Kong rather than that of the US.

      Of course, I had to leave my guns at home (with my SANE relatives, BTW, not the ones who have a HISTORY OF DRUG ABUSE AND CRIME).

      And I even left my pellet gun behind because, technically, it is too "powerful" according to the laws here.

      But they do sell pellet guns that could still PUT YOUR EYES OUT.

      And maybe I need one.

      Just to be safe.

      (Actually, you're more likely to lose an eye to an errant umbrella ferrule).

  10. Pamela Grundy, of course, is just another shrill voice that adds to the "white man's" feelings that they are "under siege".

    Because, as you can tell from her message, THEY ARE.

    Just look at who the media selects for their "citizen" mouthpieces...

    Only they will NEVER admit it because they think we are all too stupid to see this for ourselves.

    I just read about that recent Detroit shooting in Yahoo and the commenters are taking Yahoo to task for not even mentioning that the shooter at the party who shot around ten people (killing one) was black and that this was black-on-black crime.

    No way on earth would they have omitted "race" if a white guy had done this.

    And we ALL KNOW that is the truth.

    So, yeah. while the Pamela Grundy's of the world may be willing to sacrifice their children on the altar of "white guilt", I think a lot of people are starting to see through this little charade.

    Any truth-in-media analysis would show who the real threat to most black people are. They are other black people.

    As for guns, yeah, here we go again. I'm sure sales will continue to go through the roof.

    And to think, Smith&Wesson was actually WORRIED about sales recently and that they couldn't repeat the blockbuster years they've had ever since Obama was elected.

    Well, happy days are here again for the gun manufacturers.

    Yet, no one wants to EVER do anything to keep mentally unstable people off the streets.

    Or violent criminals, either. Just let them run loose.

    The politically correct thing to do is to "mainstream" EVERYONE, including criminals.

    Maybe that's what all the "de-sensitizing" to bad behavior I was referring to BEFORE this latest spate of killing is about.

    Making society more complacent towards aberrant behavior.

    Then see what happens?

    Personally, I don't have enough "white pride" to keep from executing any murderer, so I'd be more than happy to see this Dylann fellow disappear.

    Much better than letting him live like Charlie Manson.

    And, FWIW, I think they're both just a bit crazy.

    But I have no problem executing crazy. At least not as much of a problem as I have letting them run loose in the streets.

    I also think there will be more of a backlash against the media for the incessant browbeating over things like this.

    People really are NOT as stupid as the media masters like to believe.

    1. One thing I have seen more and more of, especially after Baltimore, is Blacks saying publicly liberals and their policies are to blame for many problems in the Black communities, which is true.

      Reagarding the "achievement gap", liberals like Grundy also don't talk about how Hispanics have narrowed their gap more and faster than Blacks. It isn't politically beneficial to do so.

      CMS and other urban school system are or have already, run out of White kids. THAT is what drives liberals insane because there isn't anything their policies/desire for forced integration, can do about it.

    2. Yeah, the Hispanics are doing better.

      And that isn't supposed to happen until we have "equality".

      Then when the Hispanics do finally come up to par (or thereabouts) the "courageous conversation" crowd will simply claim that they have become the "favorites" of the whites.

      Which is what Glenn Singleton says about the Asians.

      As if we cut them any slack...Ha.

      Japanese internment camps, anyone? No tickee, no laundry?

      Charley Chan played by a white actor?

      David Carradine over Bruce Lee starring in Kung Fu (that one still chaps the Hong Kongers, for a good reason...)

      And who the hell IS General Tso and why does he like his chicken so sweet?

      Yeah, we NEVER discriminated against Asians...

      It is an embarrassment to the blacks who just cannot seem to get off the starting block, so the liberals have to be VERY careful how they brag about Hispanics, so as to not "offend".

      Most of the time they just try to lump them into the "minority" category.

      Of course, a lot of "Hispanics" self-identify as "white", so that doesn't help the liberal "cause", either.

      Of course, Asians are roundly despised by the liberal crowd because they are usually successful and conservative.

      In my way of looking at things, though, this would mean that the Hispanics who are trying SHOULD get more support than the other people who are not trying.

      And Asians SHOULD get those scholarships and not be throttled back, either. For what purpose? So someone less capable gets a shot?

      Again, that's what I think is the best use of limited resources.

      I just don't see the point in pouring even more resources into proven losers who really don't seem to want to improve.

      That's just too much like a state-run economy vs. capitalism.

      Oh, wait, we ARE talking about "public" schools...

  11. Wiley,

    On gun control...

    Of course, here in HK, they have pretty strict gun laws and very little, if any gun violence.


    That STILL doesn't stop the libtards from whining.

    Most of whom in Hong Kong seem to be bored, rich western housewives with little to do with themselves but complain about "guns" and "violence" (and worry about non-organic foods, aromatherapy, and skin cream, of course).

    Some of them are more than a little annoying.

    You can't buy guns here, so the libtards should be HAPPY, right?

    Nope. Not by a long shot.

    They still see a "gun" problem in Hong Kong.

    Yep. It's those nasty "realistic" looking airsoft pistols which are their latest target.

    Many of them are "up in arms" over some local stores which sell recreational air guns which are "too realistic" for their tastes.

    So, see, there really is no satisfying these people.

    When you try, they just find something else to whine about.

    Until what, I'm not sure.

    I really do not know WHERE these people eventually get off the crazy train they're on.

    (See, we have our own "Pamela Grundy" crowd here, it seems...)

  12. BTW, I know about these crazy moms here in HK because when I got here I had someone in our school's PTA sign me up for a few "good" Fakebook groups on living in HK.

    One of which is a HK Mom's group.

    OMG. That is one big looney bin. And an interesting mix.

    There's a Dad's group, too, but it's not nearly as much fun to read.

    They're mostly sane.

    There are a few sane women, but they mostly get beat up by the crowd for not playing well with others.

    Though both groups are uni-sex, they tend to cater to different topics as you can probably imagine.

    I have to watch myself on the women's group because I tend to be a little too skeptical of the weird ideas they believe (a bit like Jenny McCarthy and Oprah) and it offends many of those who are trying to make a living off things such as aromatherapy and alternative medicine (who seem to be easily offended).

    1. It's a liberal sickness; find something that you see as utopia somewhere else and believe all you have to do is spend the money, change laws, add more laws or regularions and bingo, you've solved America's problems (as liberals see it).

      All we have to do is implement a total ban on guns in America - as in Honk Kong.

      All we have to do is make our public school system just like Finland and no more achievement gap with 100% graduation rates.

      2035 can't get here fast enough. Whites will be the minority in this country and the madness will stop.

      LOL...sorry, I had a brain fart.

    2. Actually, we were thinking of going to Finland (or thereabouts) this summer.

      My wife went to Estonia and really liked it, so now she's talking about taking the whole family (including grandma and grandpa) on a two week tour of Scandinavia.

      And I get to be the trip planner since I've been to Norway before and that's on the agenda...

      Oh well, it will be two weeks of gamalost and aquavit if I have my way.

      I think they've returned The Scream to the Munch Museum last I heard.

      Otherwise, what's the point of visiting Bergen?

      White folks and elephants.

      Better get out to see them while you can.

    3. I'm envious.

      Although, seeing 'The Scream" is not on my bucket list of life goals. However, I can recommend Homer Simpson's version of "The Scream" which I think is hilarious.

      I'm looking forward to a summer more "Winslow Homer".

  13. Wiley and Shamash,

    Happy Father's Day.

    With love,


    1. Thanks, Alicia. Had a pretty good one.

      Mostly went around with the kids until the afternoon, then went home for a well deserved nap while my wife continued the journey to some indoor playground (it was raining here as it seems to do just about every day now).

      So, altogether it was a pretty good day.

    2. Thanks Alicia...

      Had a great weekend, went to visit my father, got to talk to my son for a few from Germany.
