
Welcome to Wiley Coyote's Education Discussion Blog.

If there are any topics you wish to discuss, please email me at axles93105@mypacks.net with the link or topic and I'll post it for you.

Please let others you may know interested in these issues to come join us at http://undoeducationstatusquo.blogspot.com/

I will try my best to keep things up to date and interesting. I'm still working my way around the blog program and looking for other ways to make it fun and interesting.

I'm always open to suggestions. ...WC

Sunday, March 15, 2015

CMS launching 18-month student assignment review

From the Observer. Another issue to add to the mess in CMS.

I wonder if they will take getting more White kids back into CMS schools or driving more away into account when they go through this process..... we shall see.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is taking the first steps in a wholesale review of how it assigns students to schools, and everything will be on the table – from school boundaries to the rules for the magnet lottery.

The whole thing will likely come to a head just as a new superintendent is being hired. At this point, the final vote on new policies and boundaries is scheduled for just four months after a new leader is expected to take office. Full story: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/your-schools-blog/article13858598.html#/tabPane=tabs-b0710947-1-1   


  1. CMS boundary maps:

    In the name of the father, son and the holy moly...

    Wondering how charter schools (which aren't subject to CMS student assignment shenanigans) will ultimately factor into things? What about sports eligibility - traditional public vs. public charter?


  2. Alicia,

    When you start trying to rationalize the irrational, you'll drive yourself nuts. That's why I'm nuts as I have been trying to rationalize public education for 40 years.

    As I've said before, until you remove ALL of the buzz phrases and "guiding principles" that inhibit REAL change in education, you still get the status quo.

    You have to be willing to accept that not every child can be helped nor their parents in the new order.

    Charters must exist. Home schools must exist. Private schools must exist and at the end of it, those schools that understand how to deliver a good product will survive and offer an alternative to the massive public education bureaucracy.

  3. Off topic: (thank you Wiley for some liberty as far as this stupid CO "rule")

    Andrew published the most sought after magnet schools based on the fist lottery. Is there a reason he failed to list the expensive magnet schools that had little enrollment interest?


  4. I have no idea.

    Perhaps Mr. Dunn would like to come here and join the party to answer questions.

    Just between the three of us, we've commented more on education stories than the Observer combined since their new rollout.

    What's also interesting is that no one has come here. It's as if most people have written off the Observer and moved on.

  5. Hey, we could send Larry an invite...

    But he probably needs the CO exposure for his upcoming election.

  6. Beginning to think we got our own version of the Mod Squad going on here.


  7. I need to get an Afro wig if I'm going to be Linc....

  8. Larry is already catching grief about his "possible run" but he is certainly welcome here.

    Always better to have another person poking a stick in the hornet's nest.

  9. Mod Squad - "One black, one white, one blonde"...

    Yikes. That really sounds dated. Pre-Charlies Angels, for sure.

    And it doesn't leave me much choice, assuming that Alicia gets to be the "blonde"...

    But the Mod Squad doesn't leave much room for expansion.

    We could model ourselves after Reagan's Secretary of the Interior, James Watts, coal leasing team.

    Y'all remember...

    "I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent."

    Oh yeah, baby. That show never made it to syndication, though.

  10. Shamash,

    For updated purposes, I could be a smoking hot transgender blonde in search of a bathroom in Charlotte before doing undercover surveillance work to find out what REALLY happened to the Gormanator and Heath at the Ed-Shed.

    Feeln' groovy.


  11. Well, yes, Alicia, you could.

    I have a feeling that a "modern" remake of Charlie's Angels would be just a bit scary in that regard.

    Just checked and someone's already beat you to the punch...


    Chica's Angels.

    "What do you get when you replace the iconic Charlie’s Angels with three sassy Latin beauties in drag, put them on The Love Boat (with Charo, of course) and then kill off a character? "

    This is one I have to see. Looks like it has a bit of everything for everyone.

  12. You know, I'm feeling a bit redundant nowadays. Just when I think I have some crazyass idea, I Google it and someone else has already done it.

    I've officially outlived my useful shelf-life.

    I will spend the rest of my days wandering around looking for a purpose.

    Or maybe not...

  13. Of course, as a transgender I'd have to join one of Charlotte's prominent Presbyterian churches. Like the one "The Reverend" (or Reverends if Amelia Hyphenated-Name lands back on The Borg) spearhead.


  14. My NC foothills choices now are Baptist, Baptist and Baptist. It's just a matter of choosing between…

    Green River
    Bill's Creek
    Cane Creek
    Wheat Creek
    Fort Creek
    Mill Creek
    Rock Springs
    Sandy Springs
    Mill Springs
    Big Springs
    Moore's Grove
    Wheat Grove
    Piney Grove
    Hickory Grove
    Pleasant Grove
    Pleasant Valley
    Mountain Page
    Warrior Mountain
    Camp Field
    Pea Ridge
    White Oak
    Buck Shoals

    Now how's THAT for diversity!


  15. You know, The Mod Squad all had rap sheets.

    Although my "case" was dismissed, I was technically arrested in Rutherford County for failing to appear in court for owing our state $28.00 due to an expired registration ticket. My school administrative assistant had to bail me out of jail while I sat next to someone arrested for failing to appear in court for not wearing a seatbelt. My only other run-in with the law (in 52 years) took place for speeding in Rutherford County about 3 years ago (going 75 in a 65 mile-per-hour stretch of road on Hwy 74 which, last year, the state raised to a 70 mile-per-hour speed limit). Trust me, you don't want to mess with the law in Rutherford County.

    Class dismissed.


  16. Beaver Lick Christian Church
    Half Way Baptist Church
    First Church of the Last Chance World on Fire Revival and Military Academy
    Hell Hole Swamp Baptist Church
    Little Hope Baptist Church
    Boring Seventh Day Adventist Church
    Waterproof Baptist Church
    Lover's Lane Episcopal Church
    First United Separated Baptist Church

  17. My wife's grandfather and uncle owned about half of Lake Lure many years ago and her grandfather was a lawyer in Rutherford County. Her father still lives there, so we know about Rutherford County

  18. Well, I guess I'm not Mod Squad material. No rap sheet.

    Once stopped for driving 35 in a 25 mile zone in Houston, though.

    Cop saw me in a flashy car (my old blue RX-7) and probably figured I must
    be a drug dealer since I was in a "bad" side of town.

    Then he probably smelled my burrito breath and realized I had just
    come out of a Mexican restaurant right around the corner (as I told him)where I'd just had dinner with friends.

    Maybe I'll do something rash someday that qualifies me, though...

  19. You haven't lived unless you've been arrested in Rutherford County - by the same cop you thanked via a 5th grade song and dance routine during a school-wide ceremony honoring those in the local community "who serve".

    I can't make this stuff up.

    On the bright side, everyone at the Rutherford County Court House thought I was an attorney. Let's just say I was one of the few criminals there with their pants pulled up who didn't have to stand before the judge for a parole violation, a meth issue or for failing to send their child to school for over 90 days.

    It was a learning experience. What they call a teachable moment.


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I just had a flashback to Alice's Restaurant where Arlo's in the jailhouse for littering where he had to gain "street cred" with all the father rapers and such he was incarcerated with.

    Was Rutherford County anything like that?

    Did you have to create a "nuisance" to get respect from your fellow inmates?

  22. So, while I'm sitting in jail over a $28.00 expired NC registration tag wearing pink handcuffs because - apparently - the average parole violation criminal in Rutherford County isn't interested in stealing pink handcuffs, some very nice official wanted to know if I'd be interested in teaching inmates through a special education program Rutherford County offers.

    Honest to God, I can't make this stuff up.

    Perhaps state and national standardized testing companies as well as college admissions officers need to add a special "diversity" category for the benefit of "at-risk" rural white inmates - who collectively have no clue how to pull their pants up in a courtroom despite standing in front of a fine Southern bred judge.


  23. When I taught HS dance in the Washington DC area, the latest reform effort was Afro-Centric education. We now know how successful that was.

    When I decided to go back to school to teach something different, I decided to choose Belmont Abbey College's Adult Degree Program (ADP). Since I hadn't taken a college course in over 25 years, the education department made me take a couple of prerequisite courses - "Diversity in Education" and 'Into to Education" which I wasn't happy about although they did exempt me from taking a higher level "Arts in Education" course later on. The vast majority of students in the ADP education program were black women who were the first in their families seeking a college degree. All wanted to become teachers but had to pass the Praxis 1 exam in order to be accepted into the teaching licensure program. Not one black woman in my prerequisite classes was able to pass the Praxis 1 even after multiple tries. Despite not taking a math or English course in over 25 years, I managed to pass the test on my first attempt. Every black woman I sat in class with finished their degree in "Educational Studies" not in "Elementary Education". Educational Studies entitles you to become a teaching assistant - not a licensed teacher.


