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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bill would require health exams for all new public school students

Dashew votes no. Seems to me that anyone moving from one state to another faces all sorts of new laws and regulations they have to deal with.

Getting your child an exam to be able to attend a NC school for the first time seems like a no-brainer to me, especially if the state you just left didn't require one...


  1. They'll probably need an exemption for illegal immigrants.

    Or maybe they'll just submit fake medical records.

  2. Yeah, moving between states can be a bear. I've done it several times in my life and each one was a hassle. Just moving from SC to NC, or vice versa, is bad enough.

    We have two houses within 5 miles of each other, one in NC, the other in SC.

    Before moving to HK, we moved our stuff to NC for a while and actually changed our residence.

    The mover charged us interstate rates to go about 5 miles up the road.

    And all the paperwork we had to do to get things put in our new address was ridiculous as well. I still don't think they have some of it right in either state.

    That's the time when you find out just how STUPID the state you have been living in can actually be. The laws around selling an automobile in SC are archaic. They assume that you are doing this in-state.

    Selling your car out of state is impossible to do without violating their regulations about tags.

    When I pointed this out to the DMV folks, they said, well, we don't check the paperwork that closely very often and we're usually late a few months, so it's OK, you'll probably never get caught...

    It was something stupid having to do with turning your tag in after the sale by a certain deadline or something lame like that which I've already forgotten about (even though I did as they said, and mailed the tag to them).


  3. I've got a drawer at school with "cough drop"permission slips - in the event a child should overdose on one subjecting me to automatic suspension without pay and possible time in the slammer after the media posts my mugshot on the front page of the paper for failing to collect permission slips for dangerous things like cough drops.

    I'm not kidding.

    But gee, I guess it's OK for kids to show up to school unvaccinated for things like the measles which my 5th grade students are learning about during our unit on the "Age of Exploration". Nice of the Europeans to subject native Americans to this disease killing off a significant number of them for the betterment of colonization.


  4. Alicia, Maybe that's what some people are hoping will happen in the US.

    Namely, that we'll be stupid enough to stop vaccinating ourselves so we will fall victim to all the nasty bugs out there.

    None Dare Call It Treason...

  5. Alicia,

    Have any parents complained about the health exam being just more "high stakes" testing?

    It wouldn't surprise me...

  6. Funny, my wife and I were just musing last night if our 2nd grader would be able to take cough drops with him to school....

    As for the state bill being proposed, the rationalization that it would be a logistical nightmare is presuming incoming families have no clue how to handle the requirement. A simple FAQ sheet from CMS would give incoming families all the information they'd need to make the logistics pretty simple. It's not that hard.

    To take a stand like that as a candidate before the campaigns really kick off is kind of.....silly? But then again, not many people are going to pay attention even when the campaigns and forums do start up.

  7. Welcome to the mix, Jeff!


  8. Happy to hang out with you troublemakers!

  9. Welcome to our unofficially sanctioned protest zone.

    It's an alternate universe.

    Where the Coyote always catches you...
