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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Rant on Baltimore & The Blame Game

My Rant on Baltimore & The Blame Game

Wiley Coyote

By now, we've all seen the violence, looting and chaos in Baltimore over the past few days. What were peaceful protests have turned into a state of anarchy.

What happened to Freddie Gray is unconscionable and a complete investigation should be in order, swift but fair and anyone associated with his death should be prosecuted. No one disagrees with that. However, the fact that some people in Baltimore - just like Ferguson and New York - can't seem to grasp there has to be an investigation that takes time and all facts gathered, is not a license to create anarchy.

I watched several different channels reporting and the people being interviewed, from "community activists" to the other usual suspects like Sharpton, blame this violence on: no jobs, poverty, Blacks being arrested for minor infractons and last but not least, lousy public schools.

Schools? Convenient excuse. Are the schools "lousy"? Probably, but Baltimore has also had its share of cheating on state tests as was the case in Atlanta. When programs were put into place to stop the thousands of answers that were erased on previous tests from happening again, scores dropped 20%. They blamed it on NCLB instead of teachers and their union.

Baltimore has taxed its citizens to death so they could have "things", much like Charlotte always wanting to spend tax dollars on capital things like the White Water Center, NASCAR HOF, Baseball Park, the arena, etc.

Baltimore has waged a war on capital for more than 50 years, raising property taxes 21 times from 1950 to 1985 (Cato Institute).

No wonder we hear the same garbage over and over again from pundits. At some point, one would think that after nearly 50 years, the same lame arguments/excuses would be over.

Guess not.


  1. I raised two boys who are now ages 19 and 22. The national news image of the black Baltimore mother who was trying to do the right thing as her teenage son was filmed looting their own neighborhood made me tear up. I felt nothing but empathy for this righteous and courageous mother.

    Like everyone else, I also saw the video tape of the SC police officer who callously shot and killed an unarmed black man pulled over for a broken taillight who also happened to owe back child support payment.

    Something is terribly, terribly wrong on both sides of this issue.


  2. Sounds like you're having fun, Wiley...

    As for myself, the family and I are vacationing in Phuket, Mai Khao beach area at a resort, so things are fine here. Nearly got hit by lightning at an open-air seaside restaurant. We all scurried to the kitchen tent to get away from the bolts.

    So things have been great.

    Until I switched on CNN, of course, and saw "momma" bitch-slapping her "boy" around like a training session of "Clumsy Ninja" (popular video game with my kids).

    Man, it just never stops, does it? People in the US, even the poor blacks have it SO MUCH BETTER than most of the rest of the world that I truly have NO SYMPATHY at all for the excuse makers.

    When I saw "momma" all dolled-up slapping her boy around on international TV to the praise of all the commentators (with British accents over here), I couldn't help but think:


    Of course, mom was all decked out in her finest regalia for her media moment, but dad? I guess he was at the 300 excuse-maker march across the streets from the riots.

    I really can't be bothered too much with the details of this latest "problem" except to note how similar it is to all the others. Well-documented thug dies in the hands of cops, fellow thugs riot, "leaders" wring their hands and do nothing, media joins in the blame-fest.

    Grow up. I'm in a place now that was wiped out by the great tsunami a few years back. They recovered and are going on with their lives.

    There are many worse and more recent "social problems" than slavery in the US a few generations ago, but only ONE GROUP in the whole world that I've ever seen keeps wallowing in their past as American blacks have done, expecting handouts for perpetuity.

    At first, they said it was because the "white" man was in control. Well, now they have "their" people as president, attorney general, mayor, police chief, etc., etc., and still no "justice".

    Well, that's just too damned bad, isn't it? Grow up and act responsibly and it will work wonders.

    When I return to the US, I guess I'll have to re-stock my weapon supply and get the kids weapon training. Because at the rate things are going, we'll probably need to defend ourselves back home in the thug-loving society that's being cultivated.

    1. Single mother of six kids.

      I at least give her kudos for slapping some sense into him.

      Where were the other parent(s)?

  3. Oh, yeah, I forgot they have a white governor, so there's still room for "improvement" in thugtopia.

  4. The funny thing is that we still have some unused tickets for the Aquarium and other things at the Baltimore Harbor area. So we were even considering going there for our summer trip back home. I suspect we won't have a problem getting hotel reservations. Maybe the wife will re-consider...

  5. Here is a letter written to a columnist back in 2013 about Baltimore schools. Please read it and compare 2013 to today with the crap going on................

    "Regarding your recent editorial, 'How to end the killing,' your last paragraph made me want to vomit. 'No doubt, Baltimore needs effective police and prosecutors, ample drug treatment, better schools, and more economic opportunities.'

    "How dare you accuse, through implication or otherwise, that the need for 'better schools' is a reason there is so much killing. Had you defined the loosely used term, 'better schools,' perhaps I and probably others may not have been so nauseated.

    "I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

    "They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

    "Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

    "So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."

  6. The only things certain in life:

    Death, taxes and standardized testing.

  7. "I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. "

    Well, at least one person spoke truth to "power".

    My guess is that this is a white teacher. My other guess is that she most likely no longer teaches in Baltimore if she used her real name in her letter. She most likely left of her "own volition" (as they like to say) or was otherwise disposed of, or at least made somewhat miserable while she stuck around waiting for retirement or a better opportunity.

    Because from my experience with these professional liberal types, you "offend" them at the risk of your livelihood, reputation, and whatever else they can take from you through backhanded means.

    I am hoping she was smart enough to use a pseudonym, if she wasn't anonymous.

    I could be wrong, but I suspect she just touched the third rail in education in Baltimore.

    It also matches what I saw in my one year in the "urban" school some 40 years ago, so not much has changed.

    Yet some still try to pretend that somehow these poor people are being "discriminated" against for no reason or that it is entirely due to the "color" of their skin.

    But there are always counterexamples that disprove this.

    There IS a reason, but few like to talk about it in public. She pretty much hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned.

    I just wish there was a way to get the honest truth about the "problem" schools out into the open.

  8. Hey Wiley, this is sure to get your goat...

    "The new way CMS uses to give students free lunch is causing problems "


    Gee, whodathunk it?

    Mess with the "proxy" EVERYONE uses for "poverty" and sure enough, no one really knows who's "poor" anymore.

    So now they don't know where to send all those wheelbarrows of cash and "special" teachers designed to help the "poor" anymore...

    Not that they REALLY KNEW before. But at least they had somewhat
    plausible deniability.

    Because we all know how honest everyone on the FRL program is...

    Hilarious how stupid the educrats are.

    They don't even know their own systems and trip over their own ignorance.

    And these are the people we are trusting to "educate" our children for
    the most part.


  9. Also, what's with the CO lately? No comments allowed? Or is that just for me?

  10. Couldn't help but laugh at the Taylor Batten scare piece about MeckCo being right behind Baltimore in lack of "social mobility" for all those poor folks.

    (Sounds like he wants to cover a riot in the news someday and is tossing out a few embers hoping they'll catch flame.)

    But in typical libtard fashion, he left out a likely possibility.

    The effects of migration. Who decides they want to come to MeckCo and why. Especially why the poor want to move here.

    And, unlike some places, maybe it is NOT for "better opportunities".

    Maybe it's for more "free stuff".

    Remember "Go West, Young Man"? Well, the free lunches are the other way today.

    Maybe it's just that the unmotivated losers gravitate towards our (his?) fair county.

    From places like Seattle where it's hard to make a "living" off the largess of others in the "village" now that a Starbucks is popping up on nearly every corner.

    (Damn, I want to move to Seattle now, even though I don't like Starbucks that much...)

    But he dare not mention THAT.

    It also ties in well with the "loosey-goosey" attitudes CMS has taken towards free lunches and Zumba classes.

    The reason I mention it is that I stumbled upon an article about Seattle talking about how all the black people are leaving and one quoted a black woman as saying she was moving to Charlotte and what a wonderful place it was for black people (gosh, gee, really?)

    It was all about how black people didn't feel comfortable in such a white city as Seattle (less than 10%black) and were leaving in droves because they no longer felt "at home" there.

    Typical liberal drivel.

    Of course, no one is writing articles bemoaning all the poor white people who no longer feel "comfortable" living in Detroit.

    Here's the 2013 article about Seattle and why blacks are leaving (for places like CHARLOTTE)...

    'Where Are The Black People?' Struggling To Stay Connected


    Yeah, what about all those white folks in Detroit "struggling" to stay connected to Motown?

    My recent interest in Seattle was sparked by an encounter in HK with a particularly obnoxious west coast liberal type (whose hubby is some hotshot with Starbucks here) who keeps babbling about "diversity" in the US and how the era of the "white male" is coming to an end and how wonderful life will be then. Obama, Obama, Obama...

    Seriously, she talks like that (even to me) as if "whitey" here should agree...and I just listen to her babble in absolute amazement at her cluelessness.

    It's the new McCarthyism, I guess. Only this time it's Jenny McCarthy...

    So I was curious about where she came from.

    You know, the demographics and all that, since she's such an obnoxious know-it-all liberal about "minorities".

    I suspect she probably met a handful of educated, upper-middle-class ones during her life in the highly diverse state of Washington, mingling with people who work for a company which is the embodiment of gentrification in our fine nation and across the planet.

    But I digress...

    Then I found the article about the "black exodus" from the area.

    And present it here for your perusal and amusement.

    Perusement, perhaps?

  11. Found this from the beginning of the school year…

    "Choice Contract"

    WHEREAS, the undersigned parent/guardian has made a personal decision to enroll my child at (the name of my charter school). My decision is based upon my desire to become an active partner in the education of my child;

    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing:

    1. As a parent of a student at (the name of my charter school) my commitment is to abide by the following rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors.

    A. To recognize and embrace my role as having primary responsibility for the education of my child.

    B. To attend all conferences scheduled with any member of the school staff.

    C. To participate in the Parent Volunteer Program as denoted in the parent handbook: at a capacity that is sensitive to the needs of the school.

    D. To assure that my child arrives prepared and on time everyday and to pick up my child after school on time.

    E. To make sure my child is dressed appropriately for school.

    F. To supply a healthy lunch, either brown bagged or purchased from the Board approved vendor, each school day for my child.

    G. To be responsible for timely payment of any fees accrued to my account at school.

    H. To attend all meetings that require parent/guardian participation.

    I. To encourage my child to abide by the school's Code of Conduct.

    2. In order to enhance my child's academic growth, I agree to the following:

    A. To read and use information sent home by the school to keep parents informed of the academic topics to be introduced and studied in the classroom.

    B. To provide a suitable time and place for homework.

    C. To assist my child in a daily reading routine at home.

    D. To limit television and video games during the week and allow time for reading, studying and family time.

    E. To check my child's homework folder nightly.

    F. To encourage my child to research his or her academic level with deep commitment and enthusiasm for learning.

    I (we) understand and accept this contract as written. By not fulfilling my (our) contractual obligations to the School and my child it will be considered a violation of the contract and a mandatory meeting will take place.

    Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________


  12. Alicia,

    Implement THAT in CMS and you'll see a lot of folks packing their bags and leaving for Seattle in search of a more "comfortable" village where they can feel "connected".

  13. Actually, Seattle gets even funnier the more I read about their "black" situation. I've only been there once and really liked the place. Now I know why.

    The funny thing about reading about the "black" experience in Seattle is that the blacks admit that they are mostly surrounded by well-meaning white liberals (based on many of the blog and news comments I've read), who mostly have the black people's best interests in heart.

    But those white folks just don't UNDERSTAND them and all the racism they have been subjected to.


    So you are being treated nicely by understanding white liberals and STILL complain?

    Gosh, I'm sure that's not why so many white people left places like Detroit and my old city, Birmingham.

    In fact, it's quite the opposite. They were mostly running for their lives.

    So there you have it folks (both of you, Wiley and Alicia...)

    If only the fine folks of Birmingham and Detroit had only known.

    They could have run those black folks off by simply being nice.

    Someone should send a memo to David Duke.

    He's been doing it wrong all this time.

  14. Also Alicia what's funny to me is that here in HK no one would EVER need to have parents sign an agreement like that.

    If anything you'd have to have them sign one to STAY AWAY from being involved in the school.

    I've NEVER seen parental involvement like they have at our current school.

    And it's considered one of the "laid-back" international schools where parent's are less obsessed with academics and how their kids are doing, due to it's "western" style education and influence.

    I hear that the "local" schools are much more intense and competitive.

    I guess the memo to those parents would be to let their kids take a break from studying, get some fresh air and sleep.

    Seriously. I've seen that discussed as "problems" here.

    And I believe it.

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