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Monday, November 16, 2015

For CMS, a wake-up call on trust

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/peter-st-onge/article45047139.html#storylink=cpy


  1. It seems the only thing CMS read in it's own outside consultant magnet school report was the "chapter" on bus stops. Bus stops appear to be the one and only Magnet School of America "suggestion" CMS is going with.

    I fail to see a correlation - whatsoever - between magnet school bus stops and high school start times in terms of "trust". Huh? Anyone who trusts CMS when it comes to student assignment has been living in a cave the past 40 plus years.

    Besides Ann, Eric Frazier seems to be the only CO staff member that has any insight into the topic of student assignment without offering yet another round of regurgitated solutions. Eric gets the certain armageddon that will occur if CMS tries to jerk around the suburbs without their input or buy in.

    I think CMS just ought to go ahead and add 100 more half-ass magnet programs at D and F schools and then scratch their heads 7 years from now when they suddenly realize this approach didn't work either. I think the suburbs could agree with this plan vs. a major overhaul of school boundary lines - which hasn't and won't solve the problem either. I fail to see how the last major power grab of certain zip codes by "middle ring" schools (while booting less desirable zip codes out to the wayside) solved a damn thing.

    Shamash is right. Breaking the behemoth that CMS is into smaller independent parts is really the only approach that hasn't been tried that might be a possible achievement gap solution. And breaking CMS up (with separate school boards, superintendents, etc.) is something that won't ever happen in our lifetime.

    1. Ann used to allow my Facebook "name", but has since "unfriended" me.... LOL...

      I guess she didn't like the facts I was posting to her left slanting comments and that of her leftist friends.

      Funny how they made magnet parents use drop points to save money, but all of a sudden found $6 million dollars to bus students system-wide in the name of diversity.

  2. 1. "People understand that CMS needs to promote MORE of its efforts and resources on low-performing schools".

    Huh? It seems to me that CMS promotes almost ALL its efforts and resources on low performing schools. Did I miss something?

    2. ".. that we should think about the community as a whole, not just our child".

    Huh? Where was "the community as a whole" when CMS jerked around my learning disabled son twice in a four year period? Did I miss something?

    3. "As CMS dives into the discussion on diversity, it will need buy-in from parents across Mecklenburg especially if integration involves anything beyond expanding magnets".

    Huh? CMS is now only 30% white and almost 60% impoverished thanks to all those other integration plans that involved things beyond expanding magnets. Did I miss

    4. "If CMS wants families to believe we're all in this together - and that it wants all children to improve - it should be willing to entertain proposals that accomplish exactly that".

    Huh? Here's a proposal. How about limiting and improving magnet schools that actually are working, reducing and eliminating magnet schools that aren't working, and then assigning children to their closest neighborhood school which would provide stability and free up buses to get kids to high school an hour later? Did I miss something?

    5. "... you get a better response to the overall plan if it includes something for everyone".

    Huh? That "something for everyone" includes a ridiculously ill thought out plan to add an elementary performing arts magnet in south Charlotte that clearly can't and won't attract families from this area of town while denying them the magnet programs they really want. I'm willing to bet the farm that a vast majority of south Charlotte parents would vote for an IB magnet and a STEM magnet before an elementary performing arts magnet in an area that is already saturated with quality and successful arts offerings. Did I miss something?

    1. What happens when you have nothing left but high poverty, underperforming schools?

      Anyone?.... Anyone?... Buhler?....Buhler?...Anyone?

  3. Just wait till ya'll read CMS' latest enrollment report.

    "The community as a whole" is becoming even less white and less black with almost 25% of "the community" having ditched the system for other options. We're no longer talking about a "whole" pie anymore but one that continues to be eaten away by misguided policies and a changing demographics. And what a surprise that "projected" numbers where a 1/3 off. They were 85% off when my small neighborhood got screwed to relieve "overcrowding" at Providence High keeping in mind that South Meck is now the most overcrowded high school in the district with no relief in sight.

    And the gnashing of teeth and the wringing of hands continues...

    The way I see it, the best case scenario is keeping and accepting things the way they are or going ahead with some major diversity driven student assignment overhaul which will ultimately result in a higher percentage of low-performing schools that equal every other urban city in America at which point "the community as a whole" will be one and the same and the desire to heard cats will come to an end.

    1. Honestly, CMS is headed for the crapper.

      Lynn Wilson is right.

      Once you get this much dysfunction in a school district there is no way you can stir the pot to make it better.

      All you do is worsen the few high performers out there and force people who care to leave, resulting in even worse overall performance.

      I've seen this ALL my life.

      Nothing is really different now. Same game, same basic players.

  4. You know, I actually don't have much problem with the reasoning in this article.

    It's interesting that the "found" the money for "diversity" but not for much of anything else.

    Whether the later start time is the best use of that money is another matter, but I can see where they SHOULD consider other options.

    I'm not convinced that later start times is the CURE for what's wrong with most of the kids, but it might make a small difference for a few.

    Which is better than NO difference which is what they usually strive for and, if lucky, actually achieve.

    In reality, though, they usually just make things worse.

    No difference would be an improvement most of the time.

    It's like my doctor tells me about my health...

    Well, at least you aren't getting worse, and at your age, that's doing pretty well.

  5. It's not like I don't respect the brilliant "diversity" of white academias from Harvard, Yale and Brown, but do they really represent the average white working Joe Smoe who simply wants their child to have a fair shot at the American Dream?
