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Sunday, August 30, 2015

While I'm On A Roll...School Discipline

I read a story about "Black Students Dispoportionately Disciplined More Than White Students" on my cell the other day and was going to do a blog post about it when I had time, but from that day to today, I've read more stories on the issue.

There were so many stories I couldn't pick just one.

Now, I've said a number of times in my posts/comments over the years that I might not be the sharpest tack in the box, but I do believe I have common sense and common sense tells me that in every one of these articles on discipline dipsarity I read, NOWHERE do I ever see anyone state that the higher number of offenses Blacks were disciplind for were bogus and without merit.

If I, a White person and two Black individuals are standing in hall and I start beating my head against a wall and do that 13 times while the Black people did it only once, would statistics show the two Black people with higher incidents of beating their heads against the same wall or would the facts of the data show I am the one beating his brains out more often?

My all-time favoite FACTUAL article on this was one Ann did a couple of years ago about the Black middle school kid who was suspended one year - 13 times - because he was "angry".

Ths is a perfect example of how the facts negate the outrage over so-called "discipline disparities". Never do I see statistics showing White kids repeating offenses and not being disciplined for them while Black kids repeatig the same offense(s) over and over getting suspended each time for theirs.

If you can show me those statistics, then I'll jump on your bandwagon.

One thing that has started to be reported is the failure of Obama's "restorative justice" push, where kids are "talked to" instead of being punished. The problem is, crimes by Black students in those school systems is on the rise and getting worse.


  1. Ah, yes, poor misunderstood Malik.

    I remember him well. Suspended 13 times for "being a good boy", and "misunderstood", I'm sure.

    I'm waiting for him to get in the CO for the REAL CRIMES he's likely to commit as an adult where the rules aren't nearly as forgiving (though they do bend quite a bit now...)

    The poster boy for all that's wrong with "urban" schools as far as I'm concerned and a darned good reason to not let your kids "mix" with that crowd as they attempt to make their "numbers" look better.

    Especially if they start getting more exemptions from discipline.

    Yeah, the whole "black discipline is racist" argument is crap. Not a single one of those studies also tell you how many blacks are "over-disciplined" by BLACK TEACHERS, either.

    Of course, they won't call the black teachers "racist", but will just call the "system" "racist".

    It's the same old "disparate impact" argument they use to stop sending black murderers to death row writ small.

    Just so young blacks know the gubmint "has their back" when they do wrong.

    What's really said is that this sort of crap is EXACTLY what the old-time segregationists SAID WOULD HAPPEN once you started "race-mixing".

    I really don't see the point of playing directly into their hands on this type stuff.

    Unless, of course, you REALLY want segregation again, despite what you claim you want.

    Because that is EXACTLY where all this is heading.

    People are just too dumb to see the consequences of it all I guess.

  2. I really just do not understand why our society has become so enamored with the losers and does everything they can to "assist" those people when it is fairly clear to me that they will mostly just cause more trouble with their new found "freedom".

    And I mean that across the board.

    How many murders are committed by repeat offenders? I suspect the vast majority.

    Very few people commit murder as their first offense unless they are truly nuts.

    And again, that's not a large percentage.

    But, even then, those people are largely "free" because of the "noble" fight to "mainstream" the crazies in our society.

    As I've said before, bring back insane asylums, orphanages and reform schools.

    And use them.

    1. Where have you been?

      It's the gun's fault, not the person pulling the trigger....... according to liberal hypocrites.

    2. Well, not all the time.

      One comment I read recently seems to ring true, paraphrased it was...

      Whenever a white cop shoots a black criminal, president Obama says "we have a race problem" in this country.

      When a black criminal shoots a white cop, he says "we have a gun control problem" in this country.

      Darned if that isn't exactly what he does. And other hypocritical liberals seem to follow suit.

      So, see, they can shift "blame" whenever and however it suits their agenda.

      Clever, eh?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Of course, this could just be another example of "selective memory" on my part...

      But it still seems to be what we typically hear.

      I'm still shaking my head over the initial description of the black thug who shot the white sheriff in Houston.

      The police department was SO RELUCTANT to say he was black that they referred to him as having a "dark complexion".


      Like he was a well-tanned "surfer dude" or something, I guess...

      Our society is REALLY that ridiculous.

      I don't know if they're being deliberately forced to say crap like that or if they are "self-censoring".

      So, maybe the thug lovers should say "Students with Dark Complexions Dispoportionately Disciplined More Than Students with Light Complexions".

      And let us all get a laugh out of it.
