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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Good intentions or power grab? HUD unveils regs to diversify neighborhoods

It's starting..... this is how liberals and the Federal government under Obama intend to force integrate society.

Telling people where to live and send their kids to school was something - until now - that government couldn't and never tried to do....

Good intentions or power grab? HUD unveils regs to diversify neighborhoods

The Obama administration announced new rules on Wednesday that are meant to racially integrate America's neighborhoods but some conservatives claim are an attempt by Washington to play a heavy-handed role in creating “utopias.”
The new HUD housing rule comes on the heels of a landmark Supreme Court decision that reaffirmed the federal agency’s power to ban housing policies that hurt minorities......More



  1. I'm OK with this as long as they first put a big block of Section 8 housing right next to all the media liberal's sanctuaries. But that will NEVER happen.

    I'd like that crap to come home to roost where it should (with the big mouths who are always touting "diversity") and then see if they change their editorial "tone" once they and their loved ones are the victims of a few crimes.

    And, yet, it always seems to fall on the hard-working middle class to bear the brunt of all these "diversity" drives.

    When all those folks generally want to do is live mostly peaceful lives away from the crime and madness.

    But big liberal gubmint cannot stand that and feels that those people must "pay" for whatever little serenity they finally manage to find in their lives.

    I've seen my share of Section 8 black thugs who roam Cincinnati (they used to throw rocks at my then-pregnant wife as she got off the bus from work and walked a WHOLE BLOCK home), and, yes, they're in the news AGAIN.

    This time for beating the crap out of a white guy right next to Fountain Square after, of all things, a late night rap concert on the Fourth of July.

    (Maybe Larry was right. Just stay home, take down your flag, and eat leftover weiner sandwiches...this guy would have been better off for sure taking that advice.)

    And the Cincy libtards (including the liberal newspaper editors, of course, who probably live in Blue Ash, a nearby white enclave) are all over themselves trying to make this NOT look like a black-on-white "hate" crime.

    Because they have a big baseball "event" scheduled this week and they don't want to "scare" people away.

    Of course, as long as they don't also schedule another rap concert, downtown will probably be fine.

    Even though it is only blocks from Over The Rhine where they had some really serious riots (and plenty of ghetto scum) they like to wish away.

    Of course, now the Cincy Enquirer is looking for a new editor (the acting editor is a black guy) so I suspect that they will finally get the black editor they REALLY want to guide them through these "trying" times and continue the CYA game they started.

  2. Note that this "diversity" drive WILL NOT include putting any Confederate flag waving "white trash" trailer parks in any "nice" black subdivisions.

    As much as I think we need this...

  3. Supposedly, the way this is to work, is the Feds will demand that in order to get the grant money for the housing, it has to be locatd in a Myers Park type setting.

    All you have to do is look at major cities and who runs them.

    San Francisco is the poster child for this type of crap, ignoring Federal laws they don't like (sanctuary city ring a bell?), but loving these types of rules for grant money to put housing in high dollar neighborhoods to "help the little people"...
