
Welcome to Wiley Coyote's Education Discussion Blog.

If there are any topics you wish to discuss, please email me at axles93105@mypacks.net with the link or topic and I'll post it for you.

Please let others you may know interested in these issues to come join us at http://undoeducationstatusquo.blogspot.com/

I will try my best to keep things up to date and interesting. I'm still working my way around the blog program and looking for other ways to make it fun and interesting.

I'm always open to suggestions. ...WC

Saturday, July 18, 2015

CMS School Board Race

Since we have a new school board race gearing up, I'm going to keep this post at the top of the page for any and all comments from candidates or anyone who would like to voice their opinion. It should be interesting since Larry Bumgarner is already being portrayed as not a serious candidate and another candidate who believes we should ... "link education policy to city housing plans" .

Get your peanuts and popcorn ready. This will be the best show we've had in a few years.... Wiley

1 comment:

  1. Wiley, I don't believe the public realizes yet what a big deal this board election will be. You have already discussed UNC Charlotte's determination to "return diversity" to school assignment. Today we have a front page article by Ann Doss Helms detailing former teacher of the yesr's decision to become political and jump on the diversity bandwagon. If an informed public does not vote we could quickly be right back in the assignment wars. I find it incredible that as this unfolds media is not questioning from the get go the cost of pie in the sky plans, both the planning costs for redrawing boundaries, and building costs. Shoildn't this be considered before the board and the Observer jump on the bandwagon (you know they will)?
