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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

CMS board wrestles with early plans to alter school assignments

CMS board wrestles with early plans to alter school assignments

June 23, 2015
By Jane Wester

A discussion about school assignment Tuesday night showed the tensions Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools will face as its leaders redesign school boundaries over the coming year.
School board members took no vote on school assignment plans at the meeting, saying they can’t solve CMS’ issues on their own.

“To me, it’s a no-brainer that we’ve got to do something radically different,” board member Tom Tate said.

Tate said he worried that schools are “either doing really well or they’re doing really poorly,” but wasn’t sure how to address the problem. The board is not expected to vote on school assignment until next year.

Other board members echoed Tate’s concern that CMS faces problems beyond the question of school assignment.

“We’ve got to find a different way to educate,” board member Ericka Ellis-Stewart said. “I don’t know what the solution is.”
But cooperation is needed from other community leaders, members said. “We need the city and the county to step up with us and get this done,” Chairwoman Mary McCray said.

Board member Rhonda Lennon agreed, saying the community needs to get involved to help students.

But Lennon, who represents suburban areas in north Mecklenburg, sparred with her colleagues when some said they would be willing to think about eliminating home schools, an idea Lennon found “abhorrent.”
Ellis-Stewart said she would be open to exploring plans that don’t involve a home-school system because right now, she thinks families who aren’t happy with their home school have limited options.

Board member Paul Bailey said he wanted to ensure students’ school options would be within reasonable proximity to their homes, but he wasn’t completely opposed to the idea.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/article25379992.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Sometimes I can't believe people actually make statements like theones below:

    “To me, it’s a no-brainer that we’ve got to do something radically different,” board member Tom Tate said.

    Tate said he worried that schools are “either doing really well or they’re doing really poorly,” but wasn’t sure how to address the problem.

    “We’ve got to find a different way to educate,” board member Ericka Ellis-Stewart said. “I don’t know what the solution is.”

    WOW! wow, wow wow.

    Then why on God's Earth are these people getting elected over and over again? If you don't have a friggin clue, step down. Don't run again.

    To me their statements say "well, we've sucked the life out of public education all we can with failed, status quo, politically correct policies and ideas with nothing to show for it and we've got nothing left".

    "Eliminating home schools"? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen of a greater magnitude than the last one CMS went through to continue busing.

    And did I read Stewart said some parents have limited options if they don't like their home school?.... LOL..ya gotta be kidding me!!

    --->>>Ellis-Stewart said she would be open to exploring plans that don’t involve a home-school system because right now, she thinks families who aren’t happy with their home school have limited options.<<<----

    I sure as HELL wasn't thrilled with my son's "home high school", but since it was over 70% minority, they sure wouldn't let a White kid have other options now would they, if there was no magnet option? The only reason he wound up going there was because the language magnet WAS in the school.

    At least Lennon had the balls to call it like it is.

    Too bad the rest of the old guard status quo we-don't-know-what-to-do folks just don't get it - and never will.

  2. Amen, Wiley, Amen!

    Tom Tate along, with his good friend Pamela, has been waiting for years to bring some sort of "diversity assignment" back to CMS. Sounds like he's ready to give it another shot.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well, nothing much surprises me anymore regarding CMS or the recent race-baiting media in the US.

    Man, makes me glad we're living somewhere else for a while.

    I just hope the place isn't in total ruins when we return.

  5. Anyone else in the mood for watching another rerun of Groundhog's Day?

    1. .."they say we're young and we don't know, won't find out.... la la la la".... Rise and Shine!
