
Welcome to Wiley Coyote's Education Discussion Blog.

If there are any topics you wish to discuss, please email me at axles93105@mypacks.net with the link or topic and I'll post it for you.

Please let others you may know interested in these issues to come join us at http://undoeducationstatusquo.blogspot.com/

I will try my best to keep things up to date and interesting. I'm still working my way around the blog program and looking for other ways to make it fun and interesting.

I'm always open to suggestions. ...WC

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hey, Let's Give It A Whirl!

Why not? Why not give this a try?

We can have our own discussions based on the current topics in education locally and nationally.

The great thing about this is, we don't need advertising!

If you have a topic you want to discuss, send it to me and I can start the thread rolling.



  1. Why not? At least get a chance to "air" some ideas before inflicting them on the unsuspecting public...I'm still going to poke and prod with various Facebook accounts on the main sites.

    Does this have a way I can "like" it on Facebook just in case I get some

    I know I occasionally get hate mail and messages, but maybe it might draw a few folks looking for more info...

    Also, does this site have a way to store "reference" documents, or bookmarks to references?

    If so, that might be nice. It's something I've always felt was lacking in the other blogs. A bit like the old FAQ's were.

    Again, I don't know how this is "hosted", so don't want to make it too burdensome.

  2. It actually has the ability for me to allow other posters, say you and/or Alicia to post what you want, just as I have done with these 4 threads.

    I'm just now finding my way around this thing.

    If you look at the bottom of each comment, there is a bar that has twitter, Facebook and other links.

  3. Yes I do think there is a library or some sort of archives. I'll have to put that on my checklist as well.

  4. Well, duh, there it was. OK, I'll check it out. Maybe I'll try to activate one of these thingy's too. Not to steal your thunder, but to learn how they work and what they can do. It's something I've been considering, too, but lots of other stuff to do first.

  5. I'll be careful where I share it just so I don't bring unwanted attention here from other kooks I may offend. Maybe I'll create a "special" facebook account just for education stuff.

  6. I'm not worried about the kooks.

    I've preached for years that the term "diversity" has been hijacked and bastardized to fit ones point of view.

    My definition of diversity includes the kooks until they break rule #1 of this Blog's Rules as listed on the main page to the right.

  7. Wiley, I just realized that I've had a blog all this time as part of my Shamash account, just as you have under Wiley. In fact, I put a single entry in it to remind me how to set up an RSS feed. So, I guess I could learn about it on my own as well sometime.

  8. Also, FWIW, I guess I haven't been too clear, but I'm not in the region any longer. I'm in Hong Kong. I still have ties to the region with property and taxes, though, and we may return, but I don't know when.

    We may put our kids in CMS when we return or maybe not. Our initial plan was to have NC available for college for our kids, but that's a while down the road.

    Of course, our situation here is open ended, so we cannot tell for sure when it may end, so we try to keep up with what's happening. We also may return from time to time, especially in summers or when the need arises.

    There are times I just want to cut the ties, but my wife still wants a place in the US she can call "home".

    And for tax purposes we need a "domicile", so NC is it for the time.

  9. Doesn't matter where you live, the public education status quo is still ongoing... and affects your pockebook if you still have ties here.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!

    Happy I made it.

  12. LOL...late is better than never.

    I think we could have a good run here without Big Brother News Corp keeping us down...

  13. By the way. As I told Shamash, there is a way I believe to allow "guest writers" to post topics here.

    I just haven't had time to look at it and find out the particulars.

    Once I see how it works, I'll email y'all the parameters and if you want to post something, have at it...

  14. Yeah, you're right about the pocketbook part. Still haven't figured an easy way out of that just yet.

    FWIW, I have managed to post on CO under the Facebook account using Cao Nimada Baiseda. It thought my first choice was "fake" so asked me again and I gave it this name. My Shamash Facebook account is asking for a phone number which I won't provide just yet until I get a throwaway phone number.

    Anyway, I don't like Facebook and only use it when I am forced to.

    I get enough hassle from folks on my fake account to EVER give out my real info (even over here). You never know what may happen. I read recently where some guy got thrown in prison in UAE for posting something rather innocuous about his employer. Those Arabs take their public "reputations" very seriously and will do nasty things to you if you "slander" them.

    So, nowadays, all you have to do is cross the wrong border and end up in the slammer for something you said halfway around the world.

    It's almost like US Taxes...

  15. It still amazes me the level of personal crap people put on Facebook.

    I hate Google, Apple, Microsoft and other tech companies and will never give out my phone number to Google.

    I bought a new Dell computer to replace an outdated HP last year and the agony of having to set it up and being railroaded by Microsoft was almost unbearable.

    I DON'T want a Live Account. All I want to do is setup my computer to boot straight to Windows so I can work.

    It got so bad trying to do a work around I finally relented and said "ok, you want a Live Account, here's my name: Fuck Microsoft".

    Well it wouldn't take it so I said ok try this "Phuck Microsoft" and it took it!...LOL So everytime I have to logon, Phuck Microsoft comes up. At least I get some satisfaction out of it.

    Even though I own the computer, I can't save anything to the root because under Windows 8, it's not allowed. It says you have to have Admin rights. I'm the owner you dumb fucks! LOL...

    You can't make this stuff up.
