
Welcome to Wiley Coyote's Education Discussion Blog.

If there are any topics you wish to discuss, please email me at axles93105@mypacks.net with the link or topic and I'll post it for you.

Please let others you may know interested in these issues to come join us at http://undoeducationstatusquo.blogspot.com/

I will try my best to keep things up to date and interesting. I'm still working my way around the blog program and looking for other ways to make it fun and interesting.

I'm always open to suggestions. ...WC

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Can CMS reduce poverty at some schools without harming others?

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/article49062045.html#storylink=cpy

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Separate and Unequal: School Funding in ‘Post-racial’ America

I received this in an email from someone who found Wiley's blog and asked me to post it.

I have agreed to do so, but I cannot give the person who sent it and stated they wrote it credit since there is no name attached to it on the website where it resides.

Feel free to read it and make your opinions known. I will post my response below.... Thanks, Wiley

I read the article, but I do not see your name attached to it. Therefore, I cannot give you credit for writing it.

I will post it even though I disagree with everything in the article. It's the same liberal blather that has been written about time and time again.

Since I'm in Charlotte, NC and most of what we discuss pertains to Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, the assertion that unequal funding is a huge cause of school and student failures in urban CMS is incorrect. Property taxes are not unequally distributed here as we only have ONE school district and the vast majority of funding comes from the state, not the county.

Also, high poverty schools get thousands more spending per pupil than those in the south of the county and the northwest suburbs.

State - $715,578,978

County - $356,544,548

Federal/Grants - $151,533,596

Other/Special Revenue - $19,050,747

Here are a few other facts:

Mecklenburg County is right at 60% White, yet CMS is 29% White and declining.

40% Black - which dropped from 42% over the past two years, so even Blacks are leaving the district.



Separate and Unequal: School Funding in ‘Post-racial’ America


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

CMS enrollment growth falls short of projection, hits six-year low

"THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! ... Our enrollment is going to go through the roof so we need more schools!!! Support the bonds!!!

How many times have we heard this crap from CMS? Six year low in growth and look where the growth is coming from. Even Black enrollment is declining, which I've been saying for over a year.

Yet, stupid voters in this county continue to blindly vote for bonds like the good little brainwashed soldiers they are....

CMS enrollment growth falls short of projection, hits six-year low

Enrollment growth in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools slowed to a seldom-seen level this year, coming in at less than one-third of what district officials had projected, according to a report posted quietly and belatedly this month.

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/article45195345.html#storylink=cpy

Monday, November 16, 2015

For CMS, a wake-up call on trust

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/peter-st-onge/article45047139.html#storylink=cpy

Thursday, November 12, 2015

School board moving slowly on student assignment review – and that’s a good thing

If the stakes weren't so high, this would be comical.

School board moving slowly on student assignment review – and that’s a good thing

Normally, when government agencies and politicians slow-walk the decision-making process on a major public policy issue, we all groan and complain about how we hate dealing with the snail’s pace of government bureaucracies.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg school board’s review of its student assignment policies seems to be moving in slow motion. But if anybody’s complaining that it needs to go faster, I haven’t heard from them........

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/o-pinion/article44429529.html#storylink=cpy

......“We’re all in this together,” school board member Tom Tate said. “It doesn’t matter what part of the county you’re from.”

Here’s how tricky this process is. The board’s policy committee on Thursday continued its review of the guiding principles that should steer Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools’ student assignment policies.

The school board members all value diversity in crafting student assignment plans, but they discovered they weren’t exactly sure how they want to define the word diversity. Tate told them each to do some homework on the subject and bring their definitions back to the next meeting.

How many times have I said they change the definition of diversity to fit a particular narrative?... LOL...you can't make this stuff up.


Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/o-pinion/article44429529.html#storylink=cpy

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Still Alive and Kicking!

Hey Guys.....

Just a note to let you know I'm still here. I've been extremely busy with the real world of work, board meetings that lasted 4 days, competition BBQ cooking, helping my mother in law downsize, work around the house and helping my family in Columbia rebuild after the flood. We finally got the kitchen part up and running for take-out at my brother's restaurant, but the dining room will be a couple of weeks. My sister is already up to $70,000 in damage to her house and trying to get that finished up.

There has been a lot of crap going on in CMS that I wanted to post about, but it's all the same bullshit we've been dealing with for years. I did noticed y'all have been commenting on much of it in the last post.

I did cast my vote against the status quo last week, but alas, the status quo won. That reminds me of the Bobby Fuller Four - I fought the law and the law won...LOL... Geeeze I'm frickin' old.

I hear one of my regular posters has a birthday in a couple of days... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.

Lots of stuff will be coming our way in CMS and also with the new emboldened minority of people who are getting away with the New Racism as is happening in Missouri.

The only bright spot in all this is that the liberal universities and their ilk, who have preached their liberal "go out and destroy corporate American and conservatism", is coming home to roost as at Missouri.

These colleges and universities will be going the way of the urban public school system.

Monday, October 12, 2015

It seems if some of these African Americans would just wait a couple more years, they won't have to worry about Whites on the BOE or have any White kids in CMS schools.

Then who will they blame?

October 12, 2015

Comments on Superintendent Ann Clark could lead to CMS board confrontation

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/education/your-schools-blog/article38682600.html#storylink=cpy